Editorial del St. Louis Post-Dispatch

N° 79
AHSRE L-E-921 F. 171
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, St. Louis, Missouri
2 de diciembre de 1906.

Editorial del St. Louis Post-Dispatch

The Senoritas Teresa and Andrea Villarreal Gonzales telegraphed from St. Louis to the President making a spirited appeal for justice, for their brother, one of the Mexican newspaper editors who was caught in the dragnet of international diplomacy, after his paper in St. Louis, had been broken up by processes more familiar in diplomacy than to law. It was the women of the family of another member of the Junta who, after he had mysteriously disappeared, found that he had been spirited to the Ironton Jail, pending plans for getting him across the line into Mexico. The developments of the week make it seem likely that the plan arranged between somebody in the City of Mexico and somebody in Washington will fail at least of its main object of getting possession of the Junta at wholesale.
If would be undiplomatic to say that the whole proceeding, regardless of pretexts of the immigration law, was in the nature of an attempt at kidnaping.

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