Greene acuses mexican of libelo.

N° 81
AHSRE L-E-921 F. 171
St. Louis Republic, St. Louis, Missouri
2 de diciembre de 1906.

Greene acuses mexican of libelo.

Two Magons, Sarabia and Villarreal, Indicted on Charge Made by Millionaire.
No bills against Manzano or Rivera.
Former Detective Halton and Two Others Held in Connection With Election Frauds.

Indictmens against four members of the St. Louis Mexican Junta which published Regeneracion a revolucionary paper, at Nº 2645 Lafayette avenue, were indicted yesterday by the October Grand Jury of the Federal Court on charges of criminal libel. The indictments are against Ricardo Flores Magon and Enrique Flores Magon, who are at large; Juan Sarabia, who was decoyed into Mexico and captured, and Antonio Villarreal, in prison in El Paso, Tex., fighting extradition on a murder charge.
The accusations are made by W.C. Greene, the millionaire copper man, of Herford, Mexico, and C.M. Chase, of New York City. The outbreak against Greene´s properties last August followed articles said to have been published by the men indicted.
Others not indicted
No indictments were returned against Librado Rivera or Aaron Lopez Manzano, the latter held on the technical charge of opening mail addressed to another. United States District Attorney Dyer agreed to Manzano´s release. A. L. Hirsch said his client deserved a hearing, which would determine whether he should be released outright or held. Just as a hearing was agreed upon the attorneys discovered that witnesses were missing. Manzano was then freed without bondand will, it is said, probably be formally released when his case is called.

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