Carta de Larknis S. G. a Grady Turner

Nº 242
AHSRE L-E-934 FF. 89 y 90
Mexicali, Baja California, 21 de abril de 1911

Carta de Larknis S. G. a Grady Turner
Delhart, Texas

Mexicali, B.C. á april de 21 de 1911. Mstr. Grady Turner. Delhart, Tex., Dear little Friend: I received your much appreciated letter today, and was glad to hear that you are getting along so well in your studies. I am going to Colorado soon, as I have some bussiness to atend to there. I certainly hate to leave here as I am one one of the officers that is in on the secrets of the whole revolution, I have just returned ◘from a trip to the Junta (this is the head offices of the leaders of the Revolution) This junta is located in Los Angeles, Cal. I was sent on this trip by the Generals of the different divisions of the Insurecto Army, with the express purpose of securing Maxym Machine Guns. I was shown the workings of the order, and introduced to all the officials, some of them, among the greatest Magazine Writers in America. Among them was John Kenneth Turner, the man who wrote Barbarous Mexico. This is the story that Diaz tried to suppress, and caused so much talk throughout Americanand Europe. I will close for this time, remaining as ever, Your friends of adventure Larknis S.G. &.U.B. Doctor: My brother, who is so bussy in the hospital that I had to write for both of us. My brother is the Surgeon in chief of the Insurecto Forces. If you write, address, Calexico Cal.

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