Battle fought within sight of Del Rio at Las Vacas Big mexican uprising

Nº 133
AHSRE L-E-935 F. 111.1
The San Antonio Light, San Antonio, Texas
27 de junio de 1908

Battle fought within sight of Del Rio at Las Vacas Big mexican uprising

Revolutionists Surprise Soldiers, Capture Horses and Fight Desperately to Take Town, but Are Repulsed. Several Killed and Many Wounded. Firing Continues.

Special to the Light.
Del Rio, Tex., june 26. Las Vacas directly across the Rio Grande from this place, this morning witnessed the second battle of what may be the opening of a general uprising against the administration in Mexico of President Diaz.
The revolution, seemingly, is not the work of a band of irresponsible desperadoes, for organization and leadership are shown in the fact that the strategy of warfare has been used and the entire border country between this place and C. P. Diaz, in the state of Coahuila, is cut off from communication. All wires on the Mexican side leading across the river have been cut.
At 5.30 this morning a (...) stole upon the camp of the Mexican cavalry at Las Vacas and stole all of the horses, as well as making a raid upon the ammnunition wagons. They were discovered just as they were about to leave and a pitched battle took place.
More than 300 shots were fired and several men were killed. One wounded man made his way across the river to this place, but he refuses to say whether he was with the government forces revolutionists.
One house was bourned during the attack and the firing ontinued until 10:30 a.m., when the attacking party withdrew and looks a position in the hills back of Las Vacas.
This afternoon the firin upon the govermment troops has been renewed and the sounds of the shooting can be plainly heard in this city. Where the revolutioninists were gathered is not known, but that the attack upon Las Vacas was to follow immediately upon that made upon Viesca, a town in the interior, there is little doubt. Viesca was attacked and captured by the revolutionists late yesterday afternoon, when several were killed and wounded.
Sheriff Robertson of Val Verde County has taken steps to prevent the crossing of revolutionists into the state, and says that no armed men can leave this place for the other side of the river.
Revolutionits capture ehe Town of Viesca
City of Mexico, june 26. The Town of Viesca, in the state of Coahuila, is in the possession of the band of revolutionaries who attacked and captured it yesterday. Three men were killed and sevral wounded
This outbreak in connection with the discovery of other revolutionary operations on the border leads to the belief here that an organized uprising is threatened, al-though the government denies that it has any political significance.
Three special trains carrying the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth battalions of rurales have just left the capital for Viesca. It is reported that the Seventh regiment of infantry, under command of Major Cervantes, left the city of Saltillo some hours ago.
Unofficial advices say that the town is now in the possession of 200 armed men. Viesca is little more than a village and is considered an unimportant place. "The telegraph wires have been cut and no communication can be had with nearby authorities (...).
Eleven Revolutionary Suspects Taken at El Paso
El Paso, Tex., june 26. Eleven Mexicans were arrested here yesterday charged with fomenting a revolution against a friendly power on American soil.
A search of the building in which the men were taken revealed two cases containing rifles and revolvers and also one thousand rounds of ammunition.
Letter's and literature said to be incriminating were found also. Among the letters were said to be several from Antonio Villareal and Flores Magon, two alleged revolutionists whom the Mexican government recently sought to extradite from the United States.
It is believed that the house raided was the headquarters for the revolutionists who started a movement at Casas Grandes, Mex., last week. It is believed that the men who were arrested here carne to El Paso from Juarez after their efforts to start a revolutionary movement had failed.
The men are being held here for investigation, and in the meantime the police are at work trying to secure additional evidence against them.

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