Centering on Blanco

N° 212
AHSRE L-E-953 F. 342
The Arizona Republican, Phoenix, Arizona
6 de marzo de 1911

Centering on Blanco

The Mexicans Moving Against Chief Insurrecto.

A Torres was captured

Turns out Not to Have Been the General On Account of Scarcity of Provisions Situation in Chihuahua Is Serious.

Douglas, Ariz., march 5. Dispatches received tonight by Comisario Laberio Vasquez at Agua Prieta from General Lorenzo Torres and Governor Alberto Cubillas of Hersomillo, give the details of a battle at Ladura on the Yaqui river.
The town was captured by the rebels several days ago, taking as prisoner Encarnacion Torres, captain of the federal forces. He is no relation to General Torres, but having the same name it led to a rumor that the general had been captured. Lieutenant Emilo Vega was also captured.
An expedition was sent from Torin against the rebels holding Ladura and the attack was made so quickly that the rebels were completely surprised. Many rebels are reported killed. Besides regaining the prisoners the federal forces also captured a pack train.
Further dispatches say that Comisario Francisco Chipa of Moctezuma started north a few days ago with a force to give Blanco battle. This force numbers 500, from Sahuaripa, Moctezuma and Chiapa.
Blanco has cut the wires between the Bavispe river and Ysabel, showing that he has advanced miles west of Tigre camp.
The goverment plans to wage war against Blanco.
Impending attack on Tijuana.
San Diego, Cal., march 5. Under the leadership of a half breed Mexican negro whose name is unknown, a heavily armed force of between forty five and fifty men late last night left El Cajon, a small town, twelve miles from this city and tonight is reported advancing on Tia Juana where an attack is expected at daylight tomorrow.
So serious do the Mexican officials regard the situation tonight that they ordered all the women and children in the place to cross the line to American territory. At the same time every able bodied man in the place was ordered to take a place in the trenches which have been dug and every preparation has been made for offering a strong resistance to the attackers.

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